发布人:王敏  发布时间:2020-12-18   浏览次数:139

题目:Wood nanotechnologies and its future potentials

主讲人:符启良  新西兰皇家林科院 研究员



报告内容简介:Wood nanotechnology is primarily associated with research on the extractions of wood and use of nanocellulose, hemicellulose or lignin for new materials. It also includes technologies applied to bulk wood materials. Recently, research in wood nanotechnology toward new material design concepts, e.g. structural and functional materials, has become a rapidly emerging field.

 Wood nanotechnology is applied to modify wood at nanoscale for engineering purposes. It allows to remove lignin and part of hemicellulose form a hierarchically structured wood resulting in a nanoporous scaffold mainly composed of cellulose nanofibrils. New material design with additional functionalities using these nanostructured wood templates is proposed. In this seminar, I will briefly discuss a short research background and motivations happening in my group. Then, I will introduce my research overview and selective achievements on applying wood nanotechnology in both structural and functional material design aspects. The future potentials of wood nanotechnologies will be discussed.

报告人简介:符启良,男,博士, 20102013年分别获东北林业大学学士和硕士学位,2014-2018年在KTHLars Berglund教授课题组攻读博士学位,2018年毕业于瑞典皇家理工学院(KTH Royal Institute of Technology),获博士学位。目前就职于新西兰皇家林业科学院(Scion, www.scionresearch.com),研究员、课题组负责人/ PI2019年获国际木材科学院(IAWS)颁发的博士论文奖,2020年获得新西兰木材和纤维产品技术创新奖 (Wood & Fibre Products & Technology Innovation Award NZ)、科学延申和创新奖(Stretchy Science/Smart Ideas Award)。主持1项新西兰政府国际合作项目,参与欧盟和新西兰战略科学基金千万元级别项目各1项。研究成果发表在ACS Nano, ACS AM & I, JMCA, ChemSusChem Biomacromolecules等十余篇国际top期刊上,其中博士研究生阶段发表主题为“透明木材”的论文受到广泛关注,为ESI 高被引论文,欧美多家媒体先后报道,并应邀做10余次学术报告。在新西兰工作期间,作为独立PI发表“透明木膜柔性电子件”和“会发光的照明木材”在ACS Nano上,这些工作获新西兰、澳大利亚和欧美等学术媒体评述(如 Materials Today, C&EN, ACS Weekly PressPacNanoWerk等),以及多家公司(如Microsoft)咨询产品。