发布人:王敏  发布时间:2018-07-10   浏览次数:80

题目:Role of aquaporins in salt and flooding tolerance. What can we learn

            from halophytes?

报告人:Janusz Zwiazek Professor




 Dr.Janusz Zwiazek is a Professor of Agricultural Life and Environmental Sciences, University of ALBERTA. His job/research area is tree physiology, and his major responsibilities/research interests are in the areas of tree physiology; effects of pollution, drought and other environmental stresses on function and structure of trees; stress resistance, physiological, biochemical and structural adaptations of trees to stress; tree improvement and stress conditioning; structure and function of cell membranes. He was awarded: Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Teaching Award (2015),Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences Teacher of the Year (2000, 2004, 2011-2015),The David J. Gifford Award in Tree Physiology (2010), International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) Scientific Achievement Award (2010), University of Alberta McCalla Professor (2003-2004, 2009-2010), University of Alberta Annual Killam Professor (2002-2003).